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File: html_utils.class.php

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File: html_utils.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main class file
Class: HTML Utilities
Create HTML documents programmatically
Author: By
Last change: translation
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 18,003 bytes


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<?php if(!isset($proc)) die('Sorry, no direct access allowed!'); class HTMLUtils { /********* Initializing some variables we're going to need. *********/ private $ruleset = 'xhtml'; private $language = 'en'; private $body_closed = FALSE; private $html_closed = FALSE; public $fallback_flash_img = 'im/not-compatible.png'; public $fallback_flash_msg = 'We are sorry, but this page uses propietary technology which don\'t allows the normal visualization of this page.'; public $href_external_class = ''; public $href_external_nofollow = FALSE; /********* The __construct function, gets and/or sets the language used. Is public because... well, methods should always be public. *********/ public function __construct() { if (strlen(setlocale(LC_ALL,0)) < 2) $this->language = setlocale(LC_ALL,LOCALE); else $this->language = setlocale(LC_ALL,0); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset: '.CHARSET); } public function __destruct() { if ($this->body_closed === FALSE) echo $this->c_closebody(); if ($this->html_closed === FALSE) echo $this->c_closehtml(); } /********* This function checks whether we're using xhtml or html and is able to establish the ending tag for each case. It is a private function and should NOT be used for general public. *********/ private function endtag($tag='',$simple_close = FALSE) { $output = FALSE; if ($simple_close === TRUE) $output .= '</'.$tag.'>'; else { if ($this->ruleset == 'xhtml') $output = ' />'; elseif (!empty($tag) AND $this->ruleset == 'html') $output = '></'.$tag.'>'; else $output = '>'; } return $output; } /********** This function finds out whether the src is an external or internal file. If internal, it also checks whether it is readable. **********/ private function external($src) { $src = str_replace(HOME,'',$src); $output = array('external'=>FALSE,'href'=>$src,'readable'=>TRUE); if (strpos($src,'http://') === FALSE) { if (strpos($src,'/') === 0) $src = substr_replace($src,'',0,1); if (!is_readable(ROUT.$src)) { $output['readable'] = FALSE; $this->logError(2,'File '.$src.' located in '.ROUT.$src.' isn\'t readable or doesn\'t exist'); } $output['href'] = HOME.$src; } else $output['external'] = TRUE; return $output; } /************ This function logs into HTMLErrors, a global array containing all the errors this class generated during its execution. ************/ private function logError($type=0,$msg='') { global $HTMLErrors; if (!empty($type) AND !empty($msg)) { switch($type) { case 1 : $type_string = 'FATAL'; break; case 2 : $type_string = 'WARNING'; break; case 3 : $type_string = 'NOTICE'; break; default: $type_string = 'UNKNOWN'; break; } $HTMLErrors[] = array('type' => $type_string, 'msg' => $msg); } } /********* Non-vital function to this class, I just keep it because debugging is a little easier. This function applies htmlentities so you can print whatever you want. (And display it nicely on-screen). It gets two parameters: @a : What do you want to print? @print : Whether to print or just return. Defaults to print. *********/ public function pre($a,$print=TRUE) { $output = TRUE; if (!is_null($a)) $output = '<pre>'.htmlentities(print_r($a,TRUE)).'</pre>'; else $output = '<pre>(null)</pre>'; if ($print === TRUE) echo $output; return $output; } /********** This function creates the basic output of the html tag and the rulesets. @ruleset : "xhtml" for XHTML 1.0 (Sorry, no support for XHTML 1.1) OR "html" for HTML 4.01. @ruletype: "transitional" OR "strict". Sorry, no support for frameset. **********/ public function c_html($ruleset='xhtml',$ruletype='transitional',$additional_info=TRUE,$base_target=FALSE) { $output = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD '; $ruletype = ucwords($ruletype); $language = strtoupper(substr($this->language,0,2)); if ($ruletype == 'Transitional' OR $ruletype == 'Strict') { $this->ruleset = $ruleset; switch($ruleset) { case 'xhtml' : $output .= 'XHTML 1.0'; $url = 'xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-'.strtolower($ruletype); $html = ' lang="'.strtolower($language).'" xmlns=""'; break; case 'html' : $output .= 'HTML 4.01'; $url = 'html4/'; if ($ruletype == 'Transitional') $url .= 'loose'; else $url .= 'strict'; $html = ''; break; default : $output = FALSE; break; } $output .= ' '.$ruletype.'//EN"'.PHP_EOL.'"'.$url.'.dtd">'.PHP_EOL; $output .= '<html'.$html.'><head>'; if ($additional_info === TRUE) { $output .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.CHARSET.'"'.$this->endtag('meta'); $output .= '<base href="'.HOME.'"'; if ($base_target !== FALSE) $output .= ' target="'.$base_target.'"'; $output .= $this->endtag('base'); } } else $output = FALSE; return $output; } /********** This function creates all necesary output for the "link" tag. I didn't support the hole link tag, only shortcut icon and css. @href : Location of the shortcut icon or css file @type : "css" (for a CSS file) OR "shortcut" (for a shortcut icon). Defaults to css. **********/ public function c_link($href='',$type='css') { $output = '<link rel="'; $file = $this->external($href); if ($file['readable'] === FALSE) $output = FALSE; if ($output !== FALSE) { if ($type == 'shortcut') $output .= 'shortcut icon'; elseif ($type == 'css') $output .= 'stylesheet" type="text/css'; else $output = FALSE; if ($output !== FALSE) $output .= '" href="'.$file['href'].'"'.$this->endtag('link'); } return $output; } /*********** This function allows us to link arbitrary javascript FILES to our document. @in : string or array with the route to the javascript file(s) ***********/ public function c_script($in='') { $output = FALSE; if (is_array($in)) { $output = ''; foreach($in AS $a) { $file = $this->external($a); if ($file['readable'] === TRUE) $output .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$file['href'].'"></script>'; } } else { $file = $this->external($in); if ($file['readable'] === TRUE) $output = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$file['href'].'"></script>'; } return $output; } /************ This function allows us to embed javascript code. @in : string or array with the javascript. If it is an array, all code will be included in 1 block. ************/ public function c_javascript($in='') { $output = FALSE; if (is_array($in)) { $script = ''; foreach($in AS $a) $script .= $a; } else $script = $in; if (!empty($script)) $output = '<script type="text/javascript">'.$script.$this->endtag('script',TRUE); return $output; } /********** This function creates all necesary output for the "title" tag. @title : The title of the document **********/ public function c_title($title='') { $output = FALSE; if (!empty($title)) $output = '<title>'.$title.'</title>'; return $output; } /********** This function closes the "head" tag and then opens the "body" tag. @onload : jQuery is definitely better, but this old-style onloader is still valid. **********/ public function c_body($onload='') { $output = '</head><body'; if (!empty($onload)) $output .= ' onload="javascript:'.str_replace('"','\"',$onload).'"'; $output .= '>'; return $output; } /********** This function creates a "meta" tag. @name : Content of the "name" property of the meta tag. @content : Content of the "content" property of the meta tag. **********/ public function c_meta($name='',$content='') { $output = FALSE; if (!empty($name) AND !empty($content)) $output = '<meta name="'.$name.'" content="'.$content.'"'.$this->endtag('meta'); return $output; } /********** This function allows us to create all header code with just one call and one array. @data_array : All info for creating our header in just one array set. **********/ public function c_complete($data_array=0) { $output=TRUE; $defaults=array('ruleset'=>'xhtml','ruletype'=>'transitional','additional_info'=>TRUE,'base_target'=>FALSE,'css'=>array(),'script'=>array(),'javascript'=>array(),'title'=>null,'onload'=>null,'meta'=>array()); if (!isset($data_array) OR empty($data_array) OR !is_array($data_array)) $output = FALSE; if ($output) $defaults = array_merge($defaults,$data_array); $output = $this->c_html($defaults['ruleset'],$defaults['ruletype'],$defaults['additional_info'],$defaults['base_target']); if (count($defaults['css']) > 0) foreach($defaults['css'] AS $a) $output .= $this->c_link($a['href'],$a['type']); if (count($defaults['script']) > 0) foreach($defaults['script'] AS $a) $output .= $this->c_script($a); if (count($defaults['javascript']) > 0) $output .= $this->c_javascript($defaults['javascript']); if (count($defaults['meta']) > 0) foreach($defaults['meta'] AS $a) $output .= $this->c_meta($a[0],$a[1]); $output .= $this->c_title($defaults['title']); $output .= $this->c_body($defaults['onload']); return $output; } /********** This function creates an "img" tag, with all necesary sintaxis that finally allows us to create a valid image with very little code. @ruta : route to the file. Can be absolute or relative, external or internal. @alt : alternative text to display in case the image couldn't be found. @class : an optional class to apply to the image. @style : an optional style to apply to the image. @javascript: allows you to attach javascript tags to the image. @absolute : whether to return the absolute path or not. Defaults to not. @width : specify the width manually (use it always with external files!) @height : specigy the height manually (use it always with external files!) **********/ public function c_img($ruta='',$alt='',$class='',$style='',$javascript='',$absolute=false,$width=0,$height=0) { $file = $this->external($ruta); if ($file['readable'] === TRUE) { if ($absolute === TRUE) $output = '<img src="'.ROUT.$ruta.'" '; else $output = '<img src="'.$file['href'].'" '; if (empty($alt)) $alt = ' '; if($file['readable'] === TRUE AND $file['external'] === FALSE AND empty($width) AND empty($height)) { $info_img = getimagesize(ROUT.$ruta); $output .= $info_img[3]; unset($info_img); } else if (!empty($width) AND !empty($height)) $output .= 'width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'"'; if (!empty($class)) $output .= ' class="'.$class.'"'; if (!empty($style)) $output .= ' style="'.$style.'"'; if (!empty($javascript)) $output .= ' '.$javascript; $output .= ' alt="'.$alt.'" title="'.$alt.'"'.$this->endtag(); } else $output = FALSE; return $output; } /********** This function creates an "a" tag. @href : link to what you want to point to. @tit : text that will be displayed to user. @alt : alternative text. @class : a special class that you want to be applied to the link. @style : style that you want to be applied to the link. @target : whether to open link in new window or not. Defaults to same window. **********/ public function c_href($href=HOME,$tit='',$alt='',$class=FALSE,$style=FALSE,$nofollow=FALSE,$noindex=FALSE,$target=FALSE) { $output = FALSE; if (!empty($tit)) { $output = '<a href="'; $file = $this->external($href); $output .= $file['href'].'"'; $output .= ' title="'; if (!empty($alt)) $output .= $alt; $output .= '"'; if (!empty($class) OR ($file['external'] === TRUE AND !empty($this->href_external_class))) { $output .= ' class="'; if ($file['external'] === TRUE AND !empty($this->href_external_class)) { $output .= $this->href_external_class; if (!empty($class)) $output .= ' '; } if (!empty($class)) $output .= $class; $output .= '"'; } if (!empty($style)) $output .= ' style="'.$style.'"'; if ($target === TRUE) $output .= ' target="_BLANK"'; if (($nofollow === TRUE OR $noindex === TRUE OR $this->href_external_nofollow === TRUE) AND $file['external'] === TRUE) { if ($this->href_external_nofollow === TRUE) { $nofollow = TRUE; $noindex = TRUE; } $output .= ' rel="'; if ($nofollow === TRUE AND $noindex === TRUE ) $output .= 'nofollow,noindex'; if ($nofollow === TRUE AND $noindex === FALSE) $output .= 'nofollow'; if ($nofollow === FALSE AND $noindex === TRUE ) $output .= 'noindex'; $output .= '"'; } $output .= '>'.$tit.$this->endtag('a',TRUE); } return $output; } /********** Function that allows us to create the html asociated with it. Allowed tags: <br> <hr> <p> <span> <blockquote> <h1> - <h6> <sub> <sup> <s> <strong> (<b>) <em> (<i>) <u> <pre> <code> **********/ public function c_tag($tag = '', $content = '', $class = '', $style = '', $id = '', $name = '') { $output = FALSE; if (!empty($tag)) { $tag = strtolower($tag); if ($tag == 'b') $tag = 'strong'; if ($tag == 'i') $tag = 'em'; $properties = ''; if (!empty($class)) $properties .= ' class="'.$class.'"'; if (!empty($style)) $properties .= ' style="'.$style.'"'; if (!empty($id)) $properties .= ' id="'.$id.'"'; if (!empty($name)) $properties .= ' name="'.$name.'"'; switch($tag) { case 'p': case 'span': case 'blockquote': case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4' : case 'h5': case 'h6': case 'sub': case 'sup': case 's': case 'strong': case 'em': case 'u': case 'pre': case 'code': if (!empty($content)) $output = '<'.$tag.$properties.'>'.$content.$this->endtag($tag,TRUE); else $output = FALSE; break; case 'br': case 'hr': $output .= '<'.$tag.$properties.$this->endtag($tag); break; default: $this->logError(2,'Sorry, tag "'.$tag.'" not allowed.'); $output = FALSE; break; } } return $output; } public function c_flash($url='',$width=0,$height=0,$id='',$pre_text='',$post_text='',$flash_version='6,0,40,0',$quality='high') { $output = FALSE; if (!empty($url) AND !empty($width) AND !empty($height)) { $file = $this->external($url); $output = $pre_text.'<!--[if IE]><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"'; if (!empty($id)) $output .= ' id="'.$id.'"'; $output .= ' codebase="'.$flash_version.'" height="'.$height.'" width="'.$width.'">'; $output .= '<param name="movie" value="'.$file['href'].'"'.$this->endtag('param'); $output .= '<param name="quality" value="'.$quality.'"'.$this->endtag('param').'<![endif]-->'; $output .= '<!--[if !IE]> <--><object data="'.$file['href'].'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="'.$height.'" width="'.$width.'"'; if (!empty($id)) $output .= ' name="'.$id.'"'; $output .= '><param name="quality" value="'.$quality.'"'.$this->endtag('param').'<param name="pluginurl" value=""'.$this->endtag('param').'<!-- <![endif]-->'; if (is_readable(ROUT.$this->fallback_flash_img)) $output .= $this->c_img($this->fallback_flash_img,$this->fallback_flash_msg); else $output .= $this->fallback_flash_msg; $output .= $this->endtag('object',TRUE).$post_text; } return $output; } /************ This function is able to construct a simple list from an array. @in : The array we are going to print. @id : The id of the list (Applies only to first list). @class : The class of the list (Applies only to first list). @style : Style of the list (Applies only to first list). @li_class: The class of each <li> (Applies only to first list). @li_style: The style of each <li> (Applies only to first list). ************/ public function c_list($in='',$id='',$class='',$style='',$li_class='',$li_style='') { if (!is_array($in)) $output = FALSE; else { $output = '<ul'; if (!empty($id)) $output .= ' id="'.$id.'"'; if (!empty($class)) $output .= ' class="'.$class.'"'; if (!empty($style)) $output .= ' style="'.$style.'"'; $output .= '>'; $max = count($in); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { if (is_array($in[$i])) $output .= $this->c_list($in[$i]); else { if ($i != 0) $output .= '</li>'; $output .= '<li'; if (!empty($li_class)) $output .= ' class="'.$li_class.'"'; if (!empty($li_style)) $output .= ' style="'.$li_style.'"'; $output .= '>'; $output .= $in[$i]; } } $output .= '</li></ul>'; } return $output; } /********** This function closes the "body" tag. **********/ public function c_closebody() { $this->body_closed = TRUE; return '</body>'; } /********** This function closes the "html" tag. **********/ public function c_closehtml() { $this->html_closed = TRUE; return '</html>'; } }