XMLRepository for PHP
(c) 2003 Roland Dietrich (roland@ivizio.com)
XML storage solution using a relational database.
This class uses the Edge Table Approach with inlining to store and retrieve
xml objects to or from a relational database. You can insert, update, or delete
elements and attributes, load and reconstruct complete xml documents.
Requires adodb (http://php.weblogs.com/adodb)
The edge table apporach is described in the paper
"A Performance Evaluation of Alternative
Mapping Schemes for Storing XML Data in a
Relational Database"
by Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann
License > LICENSE.txt
Documentation > XmlRepository.html
Examples Common Usage > tutorial.html
Example Generating XML files > example.php
Table script for MySQL > XmlRepository.sql
Database Connection > adodb.inc.php (please adjust this)
Class itself > XmlRepository.class.php