HTML SAX Parser 1.2 (Jun 7 2006)
1. Add new callback function for comment element (example6.php).
2. Fix parsing tags and attributes with ":" and "-" characters (for example, "http-equiv", "x:o" etc.).
3. Correctly parsing application instruction tag (for example, "<!doctype >").
4. Correctly parsing closing tags (for example, "<br />").
HTML SAX Parser 1.1.1 (Jan 17 2006)
1. Fix parse tags in HTML comment (thank Zaicev Ivan).
HTML SAX Parser 1.1 (Mar 28 2005)
1. Fix PHP notice message.
2. Add method - parseString($str).
This method parse string, which content HTML.
3. For event function replace parameter $readSize for $pos and $length parameter.
$pos - begin position in HTML file (or HTML strng) of begin or end tag.
$length - length of end tag or begin tag with attributes.
See example4.php
HTML SAX Parser 1.0 (Feb 15 2005)
First publish version