/* I just pulled this page off the site I used the class on the first time.
All the variables were passed to this script via a form submission (that
checked all the fields, etc).
include "_class.pfp.php";
// In the following call, the last parameter passed to the constructor
// is to indicate to use the test server (0), or the live server (1)
$pfp=new pfp_class($verisign_login,$verisign_password,0);
<table cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0 width=400 align=center><tr><td>
This transaction was not accepted. The server responded with
the message:<br><br><font color=#0000ff><b><? echo $pfp->respmesg ?></b></font><br><br>
Please user your browser's back button to try the transaction again.
At that point you can correct any information that you may have
inadvertently entered.
// success code goes here