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oauth and discogs

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Subject:oauth and discogs
Summary:cannot send post requests
Author:Thomas Herzog
Date:2014-11-23 12:33:28

  1. oauth and discogs   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Thomas Herzog Thomas Herzog - 2014-11-23 12:33:28
after trying to cope with aouth on my own (To be honest I am not really
a developer in php, I am more working on webDesign, having little
programming skills) I found your oauth class in the web. Actually I am
working on a project for a friend of mine running a vinyl record store.
So my intention ist to build up a database for him cause he is a user of
discogs. I got the aouth thing running (but it took a while :-)).
Now I am facing problems to send a post request to discogs. I don't know
if my understanding of your class is o.k.
Attached find the description of what I want to do with discogs. All
"GETS" work but whenever I want to change something that needs a post
request, nothing changes in the discogs database, although aouth is
working ???
I tried to send a "edit profile" request, which documentation is here:,header:user-identity-profile-post

The extract piece of code in dependence of your class is:

if(($success = $client->Initialize()))

if(($success = $client->Process()))


$success = $client->CallAPI(
'POST', array( "location"=>"Duesseldorf")
, array('FailOnAccessError'=>true), $result);

$success = $client->Finalize($success);



echo '<pre>', HtmlSpecialChars(print_r($result, 1)), '</pre>';
The result I get is:

stdClass Object
[profile] =>
[wantlist_url] => ...
[rank] => 0
[num_pending] => 0
[id] => 2520489
[num_for_sale] => 0
[home_page] =>
[location] => Lahr
[collection_folders_url] => ...
[email] =>
[username] => tomsMusicCollection
[collection_fields_url] => ...
[releases_contributed] => 0
[registered] => 2014-11-14T06:23:42
[rating_avg] => 0
[num_collection] => 1
[releases_rated] => 0
[num_lists] => 0
[name] =>
[num_wantlist] => 0
[inventory_url] => ...
[uri] =>
[avatar_url] => ...

[resource_url] =>
so "location" did not change ?????

Is my understanding of your class wrong, that I can request gets, posts
and deletes or do u have an idea of what I am doing wrong.

Thx a lot in advance.


  2. Re: oauth and discogs   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2014-11-24 00:30:31 - In reply to message 1 from Thomas Herzog
I tried it here and it does not update the profile either.

I figured that you need to set the user agent in the oauth_user_agent variable to something unique for the requests to be accepted, but that is not the problem.

Have you tried doing with their recommended PHP library?