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Access file and get response from hosted domain to localhost: Send variable values from localhost to a PHP script in a domain

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Access file and get response from hosted domain to localhost


Picture of Sridhar M by Sridhar M - 8 years ago (2016-04-05)

Send variable values from localhost to a PHP script in a domain

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I want to send some variable values from localhost to a PHP script in a hosted domain.

I tried to access it using Curl but it is not working. Kindly provide me some example for curl access from localhost to server.

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1 Recommendation

PHP HTTP protocol client: HTTP client to access Web site pages

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 23960 - 8 years ago (2016-04-07) Comment

If you want to send HTTP requests to a remote server, you can try this HTTP client. It may use curl or fsockopen depending of the cases.

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